Sunday, August 2, 2009

Stories from Sunday

Today was Sunday and the biggest joy for me was to have the privledge of helping with the nursery care at Northern Lights Church. It was a joy for me to be able to care for and love the youngest of God's children, so their parents could enjoy the worship service. The other highlight of my day was sitting on a beach, reading scripture and being in prayer. - Blessings Pastor Naomi from Rosalia.

Talofa once again. Experiencing Sunday from a totally different view as a listener instead of a preacher was great. Sharing the honor of serving Holy Commnion with Bruce, Cindy, Kathy, Jim and Imelda was great. Having fun in Alaska. Michael.

Hello All - especially those in Grangeville, Nezperce and White Bird, Idaho! I have been getting used to being in the big city. We have been busy as you can tell, busy being with the folks in this area, and truly getting to know our collegues in faith, and servant leaders in the Church. There are great people in Alaska. I had the opportunity to preach in Douglas, Alaska. If you saw the pictures from Mt. Roberts out across the Gastenue Channel. Every time I lift my eyes to the hills for strength as the Psalmist, my breath is taken away by the beatuty of God's creation. God is great. Cindy Roberts

Greetings! What a glorious day. My day started with an early morning run, which started with looking at Mendenhall glacier as I ran. What a wonderful way to start a day. Worship was a grear exprience caped with getting to serve communion with five other UMC pastors. We were then treated to a worderful potluck including crab, hallibut and salmon, the people of Douglas Community UMC were so welcoming. Our visit to the Shrine of Thresa was in such a beautiful setting, getting to look out an expanse of water to snow covered mountains. God's creation is awe inspiring. JIm Hewson

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